Dentistry is a long 5-years course (4 years + 1 year intership) with a lot of fascinating diseases of its own. An individual's mouth may inhabit a number of problems one can never imagine. With such a vast area of study comes a lot of branches which specialize in different areas of expertise and are sometimes inter-dependent on each other. There are 9 branches in Dentistry and are explained in short below- 1. Endodontics : Endodontics is the branch of dentistry concerning dental pulp and tissues surrounding the roots of a tooth. “Endo” means “inside” and “odont” is for “tooth.” Endodontic treatment, or root canal treatment, treats the soft pulp tissue inside the tooth. E.g. Tooth Filling A person specializing in Endodontics is known as an Endodontist . 2. Orthodontics : It focuses on the bite – how teeth meet and function, how they are aligned, how they are set in the jaws, and the positioning and sizes of the upper and lower jaws. E.g. Braces A person spe...