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Showing posts from September, 2020

What are the Branches of Dentistry?

Dentistry is a long 5-years course (4 years + 1 year intership) with a lot of fascinating diseases of its own. An individual's mouth may inhabit a number of problems one can never imagine. With such a vast area of study comes a lot of branches which specialize in different areas of expertise and are sometimes inter-dependent on each other. There are 9 branches in Dentistry and are explained in short below-   1. Endodontics : Endodontics is the branch of dentistry concerning dental pulp and tissues surrounding the roots of a tooth. “Endo” means “inside” and “odont” is for “tooth.” Endodontic treatment, or root canal treatment, treats the soft pulp tissue inside the tooth. E.g. Tooth Filling  A person specializing in Endodontics is known as an Endodontist . 2. Orthodontics : It focuses on the bite – how teeth meet and function, how they are aligned, how they are set in the jaws, and the positioning and sizes of the upper and lower jaws. E.g. Braces A person spe...

Dentistry | Causes of toothache

Do you know that feeling when you're craving for that one specific sweet and sugary food all through the week, and finally got the moment to savour its flavour? It's almost melting in your mouth slowly, letting the rush of saliva spread its taste to all your buds but snappp ! Argh ! That toothache is such a pain in the - well, mouth. But Why Does My Tooth Pain? Toothache occurs when the innermost layer of the tooth (dental pulp) becomes inflamed. The pulp is made up of sensitive nerves and blood vessels. Dental pulp can become inflamed as a result of: • Tooth decay – this leads to holes (cavities) forming in the hard surface of the tooth  • A racked tooth – the crack is often so small that it can't be seen with the naked eye • Loose or broken fillings • Receding gums – where the gums shrink (contract) to expose softer, more sensitive parts of the tooth root • Periapical abscess – a collection of pus at the end of the tooth caused by a bacterial infection The...